Welcome to my first blog event, a Tell-All Tuesday, 5-week roundtable interview with four of my favorite fellow romance authors. We’ll dish on book covers to under-the-covers, and everything in between.
We’ll kick things off officially next Tuesday, but first, let’s meet the authors!
Q: Hello ladies! Tell us a little bit about yourself---what type of romance do you write? How did you become a romance writer?
Bella Andre
I began as a songwriter and musician. I wrote songs and played shows from when I was a little girl up until my late twenties. And then, one day I got an idea for a book and pulled out a notebook to start writing it down. Three months later, I had written my first book (which is now published as SPARKS FLY under my “sweet” pen name Lucy Kevin). I first got the idea for my multi-million selling series about the Sullivans in 2011 and have written fifteen books about them since then, in addition to writing about the Maverick Billionaires and the Morrisons. I absolutely love what I do, and haven’t looked back since!
For more about Bella and her books, visit her here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bellaandrefans/
Website: http://bellaandre.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bellaandre
JJ Ellis
I am a wife and mom to five kids ranging in age from 20 to 5. I write more traditional contemporary romances, baby boomer romances and am branching out into an LGBT YA romance/drama. I’m not sure if I will do more in that genre or not…this was a character that appears as a sibling to some of the characters in one of my romance series. It’s been fun though! Oh and I sometimes write these books with my husband TA Ellis!
You can find out more about JJ and her books at http://jjandtaellis.weebly.com and look for our personal blog on this site – coming soon!
Learn more about her Baby Boomer Romances at http://babyboomerlovestories.weebly.com
Visit her promotion blog at http://livingindiebooks.blogspot.com/
I fell into romance writing somewhat by accident. I wrote stories in French when I was a teen, sci-fi and fantasy, but for some reason set my writing aside for a few years. I came back to it after I moved to the US, and this time I was writing in English and actually showing my stories to people! Those stories were fanfiction, and were all about vampires and humans falling in love... After a few years, the jump to writing my own characters wasn't all that hard to make. I still write vampires for the most part, but occasionally play with shifters, magic... and even vanilla humans. My muse is very slightly ADD, so my stories go from short stories to novellas to novels to very long novels, M/F, M/M or menages, with ratings going from sweet to sizzling kink, and everything in between!
For more about Kallysten and her books, check out these links:
The Serenade Serial http://original.kallysten.net/2016/serenade-serial/ The Blurred Trilogy http://original.kallysten.net/2016/the-blurred-trilogy/ Biting The Vampire http://original.kallysten.net/2016/biting-the-vampire/ website - http://original.kallysten.net/ FB - https://www.facebook.com/author.kallysten Goodreads - http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/510084.Kallysten Newsletter sign up - http://eepurl.com/kiWSb
C. Deanne Rowe
I write contemporary romance with a little southern heat as C. Deanne Rowe. I like to read most any genre but I loved reading romances when I was growing up. It was only natural for me to write that genre. Growing up in the south gave me the desire to write about small southern towns and cowboys. There is nothing sexier to me than a cowboy in nice fitting jeans, cowboy boots and cowboy hat. There is also no place that can nurture drama like a small southern town. I also write spicier romances with two other authors and friends, Magnolia ‘Maggie’ Rivers and Glenna West, as one of The Stiletto Girls. The Stiletto Series contains three stories in each book which the stories hotness is designated by chili peppers. One chili pepper: “Is it getting hot in here?” Two chili peppers: “Whoa mama!” Three chili peppers: “Do me now!” None of the three stories are tame by any means. Our fans have come to expect stories they can curl up with on the sofa or soak in a hot bath with a glass of wine and enjoy.
For more about Deanne and her books, visit these links:
Susan Stoker
I am a big fan of happy ever afters…so everything I write has to be emotionally satisfying and the Hero and heroine have to end up together at the end of the book. I also like to write about “everyday” kinds of women who are vulnerable in one sense, but totally badass in another. When push comes to shove the heroines in my books will fight for the love they have and will not give up even when the situation might seem hopeless. As far as how I became a romance writer…I’ve always had a big imagination (picture an 8 year old girl playing by herself in the backyard pretending Wonder Woman has to come and rescue her one minute, then that she IS Wonder Woman the next). I have been writing stories on my computer for years. One day when I was proof reading a story, that I didn’t think was very good, I thought to myself…my stories are better than this. And my journey began.
More about Susan and her books:
Twitter: @Susan_Stoker
Text the word: STOKER to 24587 for periodic updates shop.stokeraces.com - for autographed books, t-shirts, totes and more!
And I’m your host, Nina Day Gerard. I call myself an accidental romance writer, and I write contemporary romance from my home in Los Angeles. For more about me and my books, visit www.ninadaygerard.com

Buy my books here (print,, Nook, Kindle, and iBooks)
Looks like we’re in for a great time and some lively discussion! Tune in next Tuesday, when we’ll kick things off officially by talking about what kinds of leading men we like to write about—and read about!